“Who Am I Without The Weight?”
As you lose weight on the Code Red Lifestyle, do you find yourself doing things like…
  • Looking at pictures of yourself and still seeing the fat girl (or guy) you were, even though you’ve lost a significant amount of weight and even though other people tell you they can see a major difference?
  • ​Reaching for clothing sizes you know are too big for you?
  • Seeing your reflection in store windows and not recognizing yourself?
  • ​Feeling completely overwhelmed and anxious at the thought of clothes shopping at your new size?
If so, you’re not alone
We spend all this time trying to reach goal weight, don’t we? And yet we often struggle once we get there.

Whether you lose 20 pounds or 120 pounds, adjusting to your new size can be a real struggle.

It’s because you’ve become a different person, inside and out, and now you’ve got to figure out who this person is. But doing that is easier said than done, isn’t it?
It had been 10 years since I last bought myself a bathing suit, and I had an anxiety attack in the dressing room while trying some on. Normally I’m a steady person, but I felt sick to my stomach and was crying...not because I didn’t see myself the way I am now, but because, after decades of just buying what fit and being thankful that it fit, now I have SO many options. It’s overwhelming and I don’t know where to begin.” - Successful Code Red Rebel
Hey, I’m Cristy “Code Red” Nickel, creator of the Code Red Lifestyle, and the last thing I want is for you to miss out on enjoying the amazing new you you’ve worked so hard to become.

So to help you figure out who that person is, I asked Larry Terherst, LCPC, MS, a licensed therapist who lost 40 pounds on the Code Red Lifestyle; and Cari Thompson, MSN, RN, an open-heart ICU night shift trauma nurse who lost over 100 pounds on the Code Red Lifestyle, to help me put together a four-part online training for you called…
Loving The New You: Life After Weight Loss
In Loving The New You, Larry and Cari will share their expertise and experience over four powerful sessions designed to guide you through the process of adjusting to and accepting the new you.

Each session even includes a simple homework assignment to help your mind catch up with your body so you can start fully enjoying the new body you’ve worked so hard to get!
Here’s what you get in each session.
I’ve Lost All This Weight...Who Is This Person?
In the first session, Larry and Cari explain how to get the most out of this training, what to expect and what you’ll learn, and first steps you can take to move forward with accepting the new you.
They’ll also reveal one simple, powerful activity you can use to transition your brain into accepting that you aren’t the “fat girl” (or guy) you once were. 
Losing Weight - What Happens To Your Body?
You know you’ve changed massively on the outside. You’ve changed a lot on the inside too.
Some of these changes you’re aware of, but some of them you may not be.
Cari and Larry will go over the changes you may be experiencing, both inside and out, and help you identify what’s going on with you so you can move forward with confidence in yourself and your ability to embrace the new you.
“It was hard going from being invisible to visible. At first I didn’t understand why people were looking at me. ‘Do I have something on my face? Is my fly down?’ I was so used to people walking by me and seeing right through me, or looking right past me, it took me a long time to realize they were looking at me because they think I look good.”
- Successful Code Red Rebel
I’ve Got The Weight Off My Body, Now I Have To Get It Off My Mind
A lot of emotional and psychological things take place as a result of weight loss, and many we don’t see coming.
Now that you’ve taken care of business on the outside by losing your weight and getting healthy, the next step is to take care of business on the inside.
In session three, Larry and Cari walk you through exactly how to do this. You’ll learn…
  • Why getting so fixated on your outside that you ignore what’s going on inside sabotages your success
  •  Larry’s proven, simple trick you can use anytime, anywhere, to put your mind at ease when stress and overwhelm start to creep in
  •  What two things to focus on to transition your mind out of stressing and obsessing about your new size
  •  What body image dysmorphia is, plus simple tips to identify whether you’re experiencing it and if so, how severe it is, and what to do about it
...and much more!
I Understand Why...But How?
The fourth session of Loving The New You is packed with 11 practical tips to help you fully transition into accepting and moving forward as the amazing new version of yourself.
The tips Larry and Cari share come from real Rebels who’ve learned to accept and embrace their new selves so they can enjoy their healthy new bodies and all the benefits that come with it.
You’ll learn…
  • The #1 treatment for people who struggle with body image issues that you can use anytime, anywhere. It’s so powerful, Larry once used it to help a severely schizophrenic patient consistently reduce the amount of time she spent in psychosis. (And no, it’s not medication!)
  •  Why  finding someone you trust to help you clothes shop is can make it easier for you, plus how to go about picking the right person for the job, what to say to them, and most importantly, what to say to yourself to get the most out of their help and support.
  •  One simple technique you can use to reduce the mental and emotional stress of adjusting to the new you. Larry uses this same technique with his client to consistently help them cope with and adjust to depression and other problematic issues. He even uses it himself to cope with the aftermath of a motorcycle accident he was in years ago!
  •  What one part of your life to make a priority so you keep moving forward on your journey of self-acceptance vs. “veer sideways” or even fall off the wagon. 
  •  The inexpensive, medication-free, #1 treatment for depression that works to improve mood and increase confidence, and that you can use to start feeling at peace with the new you. Even Cari does this, and she can’t believe how much difference it’s made!
  •  What I did right after Cari lost 100+ pounds that helped her finally start accepting her new size.
  •   Why hanging on to old clothes increases your odds of gaining your weight back.
  •  My #1 tip for clothes shopping at your new size. This tip will keep you from buying out the store and settling for clothes that are crappy just because they fit
  •  How to get help if you feel overwhelmed at the thought of clothes shopping.
...and MUCH MORE!
Ready to get started?
I want you to feel normal and reap the rewards of taking your life back from fat, sickness, and misery.

And Loving The New You is designed to help you do just that, by giving you tools, strategies, and understanding to adjust and accept your new size and bypass those areas tripping you up, so you can move forward feeling happy with and connected to who you are and the way you look.

Click the button below to start learning how to love the new you. You’ve come so far, and you’re worth it!

- Cristy
My name’s Cristy “Code Red” Nickel
I’m a celebrity nutritionist, elite-level athlete, professional world title-winning boxer (retired), speaker, author of the best-selling book, “The Code Red Revolution,” and creator of the Code Red Lifestyle.

After getting fat and sick myself, even with the hours of intense exercise I was doing every day, I set out on a mission the uncover the truth about nutrition, health, and weight loss.

Using what I learned, I lost all my weight and completely healed from chronic health issues, then used what I learned to create a nutrition program that enables people to lose 10% of their body weight per month without shakes, pills, diet foods, or exercise.

My mission is to bring the Code Red Lifestyle to the world, and bring hope and healing to the hundreds of millions of people struggling with obesity, sickness, and misery.
check out these Inspiring rebels!
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