If you want to cancel a subscription you have with us, please use the information in the “Contact Us” section below to make your cancellation request.
When you cancel a subscription with us, you will continue to receive your subscription benefits until the end of the current billing period. You will not receive a refund of any portion of the subscription fees you paid for the current or prior billing periods.
Example: If we process cancellation of a monthly subscription on March 7th, you will continue to receive the benefits of that subscription until March 31st and there will not be a refund of any part of the March monthly subscription fee. You will neither be billed for nor receive the benefits of the cancelled subscription after March.
If you choose a multi-payment option for a single subscription period, when you cancel a subscription during that period, you will continue to receive the benefits of the subscription until the end of the period and must continue to honor your agreement to make multiple payments for that subscription period.
Example: If we process cancellation of an annual subscription in May that you agreed to pay for with quarterly payments (January 1st, April 1st, July 1st, and September 1st), you will continue to receive the benefits of that subscription until the end of the year, there will not be a refund of any part of the annual subscription fee already paid, and you must make the two remaining quarterly payments (July 1st and September 1st). You will neither be billed for nor receive the benefits of the cancelled subscription after the end of the annual subscription period.
Do not wait until the end of a billing or subscription period to make a subscription cancellation request because such requests are typically processed within 2 to 3 business days after we receive them. As it takes longer for us to receive postal mail than electronic mail, we recommend that you email your request. Providing us with your account/subscription number (if you have one) can also speed up the process of honoring your request.
We will confirm your subscription has been cancelled by either email or postal mail.