How Do I Cope Without Gaining Back All The Weight I’ve Worked So Hard To Lose?
Dear Code Red Rebel,

Cristy CodeRed here, and I want to share a real story with you from a real Code Red Rebel whose father died of lung cancer in 2016.
“I’m an only child, and my parents live 2,000 miles away. My dad was my rock, so when I learned he’d been diagnosed with lung cancer, I was devastated, especially when he opted not to do chemo. Immediately left my job and flew to my parents’ house to be with him.

“After he died, my deep pain and anger led me to emotional eating. I would eat non-stop while at home, often gorging myself on an entire pizza, followed by bowls and bowls of ice cream. To make matters worse, I stopped riding horses during this time. I ignored all my own needs.

“Then, when I came back home after the funeral, I was alone for the first time since he was diagnosed. I started having nightmares and turned to food for comfort. This went on for almost a year and a half.

“I tried off and on to lose weight, but wasn’t successful until I found out about the Code Red Lifestyle.

“Even on Code Red I struggled with emotional eating. The holidays, especially, triggered the pain. But I still lost 45 pounds.

“I was only 10 pounds from my goal weight when another life-changing event happened: I lost my job.” 
Tragedies like happen to a lot of my Code Red Rebels.

They’re proudly walking their weight loss journey, enjoying those shrinking clothing sizes, finally loving what they see in the mirror, and feeling their bodies heal…

...and then POW--they’re blindsided by an unexpected loss.

It might be the death of someone who means the world to them, but it might also be the loss of a job, or a relationship.

We often associate loss and grief with death, but it’s important to remember…
Grief comes in many forms, and any kind of loss can cause it.
It might be that dreaded 4 a.m. call informing you someone you love died in a car accident. It might be your spouse telling you, “I want a divorce.”

It might be your boss pulling you aside and saying, “You’re fired,” or that day you realize your body can no longer do what it once could.

The loss of rituals and traditions, your kids leaving home, losing a ton of money all at once, someone robbing your house and making off with precious possessions you can never get back...even being victimized...all of it can cause feelings of loss.

Losses are felt differently by everybody, and the resulting grief can and will affect your behavior, emotions, thoughts, spirituality, and even your physical body.
Turning to food for comfort is a common way to cope with grief.
And if your grief is caused by losing a loved one, it’s tradition for people in the community to bring you all kinds of food to “show their support,” which makes staying on track even harder.

You’ve worked hard to get where you are, and I don’t want to see the loss you’re going through derail all your progress.
To help you keep that from happening, I asked Larry Terherst, LCPC, MS, a chaplain and licensed therapist; and Cari Thompson, MSN, RN, an open-heart ICU night shift trauma nurse and nursing educator who lost over 100 pounds on the Code Red Lifestyle, to help me create this two-part video course called “Grief, Loss, and Code Red.”

Larry’s helped hundreds of people learn how to cope with their grief after going through everything from the death of a loved one to divorce to being victimized.

And in years of working as an open-heart ICU trauma nurse, Cari’s seen devastated, grief-stricken people lose someone who meant the world to them and react in every way you can imagine, from breaking down into tears to lashing out in anger.

Grief, Loss, and Code Red is designed to teach you how to stay on track with your Code Red eating while you walk this path of grief.
Let’s Talk About Grief
In the first session of Grief, Loss, and Code Red, Larry and Cari share with you the stages of grief (including one Larry sees over and over, but that isn’t included with most grief treatments).

They’ll also clear up once and for all whether you “have” to go through all the stages of grief, and whether you “have” to grieve a certain way.

Plus you’ll learn…
  •  How long the grief cycle lasts, when you can expect to start feeling better, and how to tell when you actually are doing better.
  •  The only two "wrong" ways to grieve. One’s flat-out dangerous, and one prolongs your suffering. Learn what they are and how to avoid them.
  •  The one thing you can always control, no matter how out of your control life how controlling it can not only help you stay on track, but make the grief process easier for you.
Good Grief - How Do I Deal With This Pain?
In session two, Cari and Larry will go over common reactions and struggles people endure in the grief process, including emotional, physical, and even spiritual.

Plus it includes…
  •  Four proven tips to help you process your grief and make what you’re going through easier on you.
  •  Three simple and non-negotiable self-care activities you absolutely         haveto have while you’re grieving (especially if you want to avoid gaining your weight back with emotional eating)
  •  Larry’s answer to the question, “How could God let this happen?”
  •  How hiding from the pain of your loss simply keeps you trapped and miserable, and what to do instead
  •  How to give yourself permission to grieve so you don’t stay endlessly trapped in the grief cycle
  •  What Larry said to help a friend who kept avoiding certain people because he knew just being near them would cause him to cry
  •  How to handle special dates and occasions you’re experiencing for the first time without your loved one (plus hear what Larry told one family to do one on the one-year anniversary of their father’s death to help them cope. It was so powerful that they told him afterwards, “It couldn’t have gone better!”)
  •  What to say to people who ask you what you need (and how you can actually get their help to stay on track PLUS avoid the onslaught of “gifted” unapproved foods)
  •  The people whose help you MUST avoid if you want to stay on track
  •  Tips to help you stay Code Red-approved whether you’re at a family gathering, eating out, or even when people bring food right to your front door
You’ve worked so hard to lose the weight, and I don’t want to see you gain back 50 of the 100 pounds you’ve lost. I know you don’t want that, either.

Code Red is FULL of people who’ve endured horrific losses and still succeeded on their weight loss journey. You absolutely can, too.

Remember the woman I told you about at the beginning, who lost her father and then her job?

She went on to find her dream job, and bought a house with acreage for her horses.

She also got back on track with her Code Red eating, and is doing terrific.

Loss can be devastating and really pull the rug out from under us, but that doesn’t mean it has to stop you from doing what you set out to do: Get the weight off once and for all.

So click the button below to get your copy of Grief, Loss, and Code Red, for a one-time payment of just $97, and learn the simple tools you need to cope with loss without turning to food.
Meet Cristy
My name’s Cristy “Code Red” Nickel. I’m a celebrity nutritionist, elite-level athlete, professional world title-winning boxer (retired), speaker, author of the best-selling book, “The Code Red Revolution,” and creator of the Code Red Lifestyle.

After getting fat and sick myself, even with the hours of intense exercise I was doing every day, I set out on a mission the uncover the truth about nutrition, health, and weight loss.

Using what I learned, I lost all my weight and completely healed from chronic health issues, then used what I learned to create a nutrition program that enables people to lose 10% of their body weight per month without shakes, pills, diet foods, or exercise.

My mission is to bring the Code Red Lifestyle to the world, and bring hope and healing to the hundreds of millions of people struggling with obesity, sickness, and misery.
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